Saturday, October 7, 2017

Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party Costume

I will be attending Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party this year and I am so excited to be going back! I've only been once before, but I loved it! There is way too much to do than you'll ever get done in one night, so if I could I would totally go more than once a year. I'm looking forward to being back again this year for candy, dancing, Happy HalloWishes and of course the Boo To You Parade!

I always like to dress up because it's fun! While I could cosplay at any time, it is way too hot for me to walk around the Magic Kingdom in a full costume, so I opt for cosplay instead. For my first Halloween Party, I cosplayed as Han Solo, which you can read about here. This year I decided to dress as Lilo and have my Duffy bear dress as Stitch. My husband isn't into dressing up, so Duffy and I will wear a couple's costume instead ;) to top it all off, I won't be wearing flip flops (who can do that in the parks all day?! Not me!) but my running shoes are blue - perfect!

I am SUPER excited to be attending Mickey's Not So Scary again this year, and while I've had second thoughts about my outfit at times, I'm excited to wear that too!


  1. That is great, and you and Duffy are going to be adorable! I'm so excited for you!
