Sunday, March 5, 2017

My New Plush

Recently there was a Buy One Get One offer on plush at Disney Stores and the I took this opportunity to pick up some plush I had wanted for a while...

For the first time I saw Bing Bong in our store and he smells so good! I really wanted him. Sulley was too cute and fluffy to pass up so I got him too. I really wanted Mike Wazowski but our store didn't have him. I've wanted a plush of Baby Dory ever since I saw Finding Dory so I was thrilled that they had her! I got Nemo to go with her :) 

Our store sold out of Flash super quickly so I made sure to grab him when I saw him back in stock! He is poseable and super cuddly, not to mention hilarious. Pua is so stinkin' cute that I got him too. He is so soft! I love Disney Store deals!


  1. You got Bing Bong! Yea! I love that he smells like cotton candy! Our store has had him in a few times, he does go quickly. Your store sells out of things a lot quicker than ours, we've had Flash in a lot, for a long time too. I love your finds and deals!

    1. I think your store must be bigger than mine. We had flash extremely briefly when Zootopia first came out. This is the first time I've seen him since. It's entirely possible I missed Bing Bong the first time around. So happy I have them both now! Thanks :)

  2. Wow, great choices across the board! So jealous I can't go shopping with you!
